Christmas Cums Early Ch. 02

Christmas Griswald woke up alone in her bed. She couldn't remember the last time she slept so well. The prior night's adventure had worn her out, mentally and physically, and she loved every minute of it.

She had slept in her Fantasy Shop work clothes, as she was too exhausted to change. Luckily for her, the t-shirt she was wearing covered the frat boy phone numbers on her breast and the dried cum from Eric Knowles.

When she left the bedroom, she looked into the living room to see that Josh was still passed out on the couch. She sighed and shook her head.

Chris took her clothes off and looked in the mirror. Her reflection showed a new woman who was doing what she wanted when she wanted. Before last night, she lived a miserable life where she constantly worried about money and put her trust into people who would always let her down. Now, she was living life for herself and it felt great.

But what about Josh?

While she took a shower and washed the remains of last night off her body, she thought about their relationship. Deep down, Chris still loved Josh, but something had definitely changed. That feeling she had when they first got together wasn't there anymore. She didn't feel it in her heart the same way she had before.

Despite this revelation, Chris wasn't sure whether she should continue to give Josh a chance or break up with him. At least she didn't have to rely on him financially. She was now making her own money and could afford to pay all the bills on her own while still having money left over. That is, if she continued this new lifestyle of hers.

She wanted to go back to work at Sal's Pizza tonight, but she wasn't on the schedule. She wasn't even on the schedule for the Fantasy Shop either. Chris had the entire day off. She wondered what she would do with her free time. Nothing in her life brought her as much fun or confidence as her newfound love of exhibitionism. Exposing her young body thrilled her to no end. Having men insult and degrade her turned her on even more. She even got pleasure from Tyrell and Jonesy smacking her breasts as hard as they could. She was beginning to love her new life as a sex object.

This was never something she envisioned for herself. She had dreams of going to college; moving out of River City with Josh; getting a new home together; and maybe getting married. Those dreams seemed silly to her now. Why should she do any of those things when they weren't going to make her happy? She only wanted to do these things because she felt she had to. That's what everyone else was doing and she felt she needed to follow that path too.

Chris was walking down her own path now. She wasn't sure where it would lead her, but she was ready to take the risk. She had ignored her own wants and desires long enough.

Even though she was doing what she wanted right now, she still didn't want her family, or Josh, to find out about her "new life." She wondered how long she could keep it a secret though. Part of the thrill she got from exposing herself was that people saw her. Terry, Tyrell, Jonesy, the frat guys, and Rusty all took photos and recorded video of her naked last night. Who did they know? Where would those pictures and videos end up? To her, it seemed like an inevitability that she would be completely exposed to everyone she knew, but she was going to put that off as long as she could. She still didn't like dealing with confrontation.

Josh knew that Chris had the day off from both jobs, but he knew that she was likely still mad at him. Regardless, before he went to sleep, he decided he was going to ask her if she wanted to do something with him today. He hoped that this would break the tension between them and she wouldn't resent him anymore.

Hanging out with Josh was the last thing Chris wanted to do today. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do, but she definitely didn't want to do that. She couldn't believe that he had shucked all his responsibility in their relationship. He was putting the burden of keeping them fed and making sure they had a roof over their head on her. Anyone could see how unfair this situation was for Chris.

She went to the refrigerator to find something to eat. The sound she made opening the refrigerator door had woken Josh up.

"Hey babe," he said - still groggy.

Chris didn't say a word and continued looking for something to eat.

Josh knew she was giving him the silent treatment.

"Hey," he said nervously, "I was thinking, um, since you have the day off, maybe we could do something today? We can do anything you want."

"I can do anything I want with my own money?" she thought, "How gracious of you, Josh!"

Had she actually said what she was thinking, Josh would have been reduced to a pile of ash.

While reaching into the freezer for a small carton of ice cream, she saw that she had not done a very good job of washing off Tyrell's phone number from her hand.

Then she got an idea.

"Actually," she said, "I got called into work today at, uh, Sal's. So I'm going to be going there soon. One of his day time drivers called off."

Josh's heart sank, "Oh, okay. It's no problem. Maybe another time."

Chris felt bad lying to Josh, but she couldn't bring herself to having another argument with him and breaking him even more.

On her way to her car, she saw Zach coming up the stairs.

He smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Hey, I know you want to do our movie," he teased.

She had remembered Zach talking about the gangbang movie he was making in his apartment. As exciting as the possibility was, she felt that that was a bit too much for her.

"No way," she laughed, "I think you're hearing things."

"We'll see," he said, "We're going to shoot it Friday night. If you change your mind, let me know. Otherwise, we'll have to hire a prostitute and catch every disease known to mankind. So live with that on your conscience, prude."

Chris loved Zach's sense of humor, "I have to go. Money is calling."

Zach waved goodbye and Chris finished the trek to her car.

She knew that she had nowhere to go, so she decided to make some plans.

She pulled out the piece of paper in her glove compartment and texted Tyrell.

Chris: Hey, it's Chris. The girl from last night.

Chris anxiously awaited a reply. She didn't have the guts to call him. Maybe he was in the middle of something. She didn't want to bother him.

Tyrell: shit, girl, you're quick. What do you want?

Her pride was gone. She was desperate to do anything today that might involve taking her clothes off for him and Jonesy.

Chris: I thought maybe we could have some fun? I have the day off today.

Tyrell: You're hungry, ain't ya?

She was. She knew it and he knew it. Even though they had insulted her last night, Tyrell and Jonesy knew she enjoyed it. The look on her face told the whole story. And it's not every day that a girl asks if you want to smack her breasts.

Chris: I had a good time last night... I figured you did too...

Tyrell: It was aight. Lol

"Aight?" Chris stewed. Frustrated, she sat in her car and wondered if she was imagining things. Maybe they didn't like her. Maybe they actually thought she was unattractive. She had to fish for validation.

Chris: Just alright? I know you two don't like my body...

Her leg bounced up and down as she anxiously awaited Tyrell's response.

Tyrell: You know you got some ugly ass titties!! lol You cute, but you need to do something about them shits! For real!

To any normal girl, this would have been extremely insulting and hurtful. Tyrell's opinion of Chris was so low that he didn't consider her to be as attractive as most women. She wasn't ugly by any means. In fact, many thought that Chris was very cute, but her breasts ruined her to Tyrell. Instead of being offended, Chris loved it when men cut her down and made her feel ugly. She wasn't sure why she loved it, but she wasn't going to fight it.

After she tried on her new outfit yesterday and before she met Terry McEvers at the trailer park, she thought that her body would be a hit with all the guys she met. Chris had always been self conscious of her appearance, but something about that short period of time made her feel good about herself. Once Terry cut her down, she started to second guess herself.

Chris: I know!! :( I'm sorry you guys don't like my tits. I've never cared about being attractive until now... and I'm not doing a very good job of it. You, and other guys I met last night, all hate my saggy tits...

Tyrell: Girl, I'm tellin' ya...we hate them, because they ugly as hell... a bitch your age shouldn't have titties that hang that low. They big, but they sad lmao

All she wanted to do was hang out with Tyrell and Jonesy today. She didn't care if they degraded or humiliated her - which she was sure they would do. Chris felt like the guys enjoyed cutting her down. That was okay with her, because she enjoyed it too. She wanted to submit to them and take all the physical and emotional abuse they could dish out. This has become an unexpected kink for her and she wasn't about to give it up.

She needed an answer.

Chris: So... can I come over?? You two can do whatever you want to me. ;)

She was coming off very desperate and they both knew it.

Tyrell: I guess, bitch.

A big smile came across Chris' face.

Chris: Great!

Tyrell rolled his eyes and put his phone down. He had more important things to worry about today than Chris.

She arrived at Tyrell's place as quickly as she could. Chris knocked on the door and no one answered. There was a car in the driveway, so she assumed that someone was home and that the car belonged to Tyrell or Jonesy.

While she waited, an older man who looked extremely drunk, shuffled over to Tyrell's yard. Chris caught him out of the corner of her eye. She didn't want to make eye contact with him - hoping he would ignore her.

"Hey, white girl!" he shouted.

Chris sighed. She was going to have to communicate with him. What could he possibly want from her? Maybe he was some drunk cat caller or he was a homeless man who wanted money. She was a pretty 18-year old girl, so his interests could be more sinister.

She began to fidget and knocked again. No answer.

"Hey baby!" he shouted again.

She didn't want to risk angering him, so she turned around and acknowledged him.

"Hi,":she responded meekly.

"You here for Ty?" he asked.

"Yes?" she answered.

"All types of ladies come over here looking for him, but let me tell you something," he said, inching closer and closer to her.

At this point, he was three feet away from her and Chris could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Let me tell you something, okay? Tyrell Peters ain't shit. Don't trust the motherfucker, you hear me? He'll hurt you. He hurts all the girls that come over here. Your white ass ain't special, okay?"

She was sure that this inebriated old man was just jealous of Tyrell's "game." He got more attention from women than this guy and he's angry about it.

"Hey, bitch! You listen to me when I'm talkin' to you," he barked.

Chris was startled and scared. She didn't know if this man was going to hurt her or not. Luckily for her, she didn't have to figure that out. Tyrell answered the door. Without saying a word, he nodded his head - a silent instruction for Chris to enter his home. He saved his words for the old drunk.

"Billy Jack! You come over here again and I'll put your drunk ass in the ground!" he snapped.

Tyrell slammed the door behind him and walked into the living room - passing Chris.

He seemed angry and this was throwing off Chris' energy. He was still a stranger to her, so she didn't know how to approach him when he was upset.

"A-Are you okay?" she asked meekly.

Tyrell stopped pacing and looked at Chris. She immediately regretted speaking up.

"Am I okay? Bitch, let me tell you something," she spat, inching closer to her. Every step he took toward her scared, and excited, her at the same time.

"Jonesy is supposed to shoot a music video here today and the bitch that was gonna be in it with him dipped! She ain't comin'! We got no bitch for this motherfucker! So this shit ain't gettin' done! On top of that shit, she was gonna suck our dicks and we were gonna fuck her. How fair is that shit?" he yelled.

Tyrell didn't care who heard him inside, or outside, his home. There were few people on this earth that he actually feared, but there were a lot of people who feared him.

Tamara Martin was supposed to be the "bitch" in Jonesy's music video, but she heard about Tyrell's reputation and decided not to come. Of course, that wasn't the reason she gave Tyrell over text. She had told him that she had the flu and couldn't make it. To her, it didn't matter if he believed it or not. The ends justify the means.

"It-it's not fair. She shouldn't have done that to you," Chris said softly.

"You goddamn right!" Tyrell said before slamming his right hand against the wall.

He hit the old wall so hard, his hand left a dent in it. Tyrell didn't care how the place looked though. This was a place for him to do whatever he wanted - away from the prying eyes of the law.

Jonesy walked through the front door. He was one of the few people that could walk into Tyrell's place and not incur his wrath.

He took one look at Chris and asked Tyrell, "The fuck she doin' here?"

"Don't worry about that shit. You got other shit to worry about. The bitch that was supposed to be in your video ain't comin'," Tyrell said.

Jonesy looked pissed off. He had shown up decked out in brand new clothes and jewelry. He was ready to shoot the video for his new single, "Bitch Juice."

While the two spoke, Chris awkwardly stood in the middle, off to the side of them. She wasn't sure what to do and didn't want to make anyone more angry.

"I was lookin' forward to gettin' my dick sucked and rammin' that pussy though," Jonesy lamented.

"Me too, dog... me too... ," Tyrell added.

Jonesy shook his head. Then he leered at Chris.

Even though she wanted their attention, the way Jonesy was looking at Chris was making her uncomfortable.

The pair already found her unattractive, but to make matters worse, she was dressed in her hideous old Sal's Pizza uniform - black pants and black polo shirt.

"Yo, dog, hear me out," he said to Tyrell, still looking at Chris.

"What if, uh-" Jonesy said, nodding his head toward her.

Tyrell knew exactly what he meant. He sighed, rolled his eyes, and nodded too.

"Bitch," Tyrell snapped.

Chris' eyes darted in Tyrell's direction.

"Y-Yes?" Chris answered.

"Take your fucking clothes off," Tyrell ordered.

Not wanting to anger him anymore, Chris swallowed and slowly began removing her clothes.

She kicked off her shoes and peeled her socks off. Standing barefoot on Tyrell's old, dirty carpet grossed her out, but she knew she had to do it.

Chris unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her soft, pale legs - stepping out of them when they reached her ankles.

Jonesy and Tyrell started rubbing their cocks through their clothes as they watched her undress.

Her panties soon joined the pile. Bottomless, the boys got a great view of her unshaven pussy as she continued taking the rest of her clothes off.

The large living room window was wide open and the curtains rested at the ends. There was no attempt to hide her nudity from anyone who peered inside. This fact was not foreign to Chris. She knew the window wasn't covered. She had never exposed herself during the day time, but there had to be a first time for everything.

A few moments went by. Her shirt was off and Chris finished removing her bra. Tyrell and Jonesy laughed when they saw her breasts.

Scared, insecure, and aroused, Chris stood in front of both men completely nude.

"You know what's gonna happen now?" Tyrell asked in a harsh tone.

Chris shook her head nervously.

"You're gonna suck or our dicks and we gonna fuck you. That's what," Jonesy said, answering Tyrell's question.

Her eyes widened. She hadn't planned on doing anything sexual with anybody today. Chris, naively, thought that she would get exposed and insulted, but this hadn't crossed her mind. This was different than showing off her body to other men - or letting them cum on it. This was full blown cheating and she didn't want to do it. This was a turn in her sexual adventure that she wasn't expecting - nor did she welcome.

But she knew she didn't have a choice. She didn't want to risk what would happen to her if she refused.

Chris swallowed hard and inched closer to the men. She looked up at both of them. Her big eyes told Tyrell and Jonesy that she was scared out of her mind. Her head lowered and she dropped to her knees. Her enormous breasts touching her legs as she knelt before the men.

"You ever suck cock before, bitch?" Tyrell asked.

She slowly nodded her head.

"You probably ain't any good at it," Jonesy snapped.

"You in this situation because the other bitch dipped on us and you got a pussy," Tyrell said, "This ain't nothin' personal, but you need to know your place. Whenever you're here, if we want pussy, you're gonna give it to us. You understand what I'm tellin' you, bitch?"

Chris just stood there stunned. She couldn't believe what was about to happen. Tyrell's intent had sobered her up a little bit. She decided that things were getting too out of control for her.

She had made up her mind. As fast as she could, she grabbed her clothes and ran out the front door - stark naked.

Billy Jack saw the busty young girl running toward her car. Her enormous breasts bounced wildly as she frantically tried to get inside it.

Tyrell stood in the doorway and watched her drive off.

Chris drove through the neighborhood naked, trying to find a secluded spot to stop and get dressed. She drove through a seemingly endless series of streets full of broken buildings and businesses with bars on their windows. It was easy to ignore how bad these places were at night - especially when your hormones took over your rational thinking.

"Please, please, please," she muttered to herself, hoping that she would make it home safe.

At this point, she wanted to give up exhibitionism altogether and go back to the boring life that she had. It was fun while it lasted, but what happened at Tyrell's house proved that this was a dangerous adventure that she didn't want to go on.

She turned on a street that was more barren than the others. It was close to the highway and full of trees. It was the perfect place for her to stop and get dressed.

Her beat up old car turned off the road and parked in between the small forest that shielded her from the busy highway. She could hear the traffic buzzing by. It was almost deafening - she was that close. No one driving by had any idea that there was a nude girl in her car just below the interstate.

Chris collected herself and calmed down. She reached for her clothes when her phone buzzed. She picked it up - it was Tyrell.

Tyrell: Where the fuck you goin'? I thought you wanted to fool around??

She started to realize that she may have led him on. Chris felt bad for Tyrell and Jonesy. They were expecting sex from that other girl who flaked on them. She told Tyrell that she wanted to fool around and he got the wrong idea.

Chris: I'm sorry... I shouldn't have led you on... I just like exposing myself. That's all. I didn't want to have sex or anything.

Tyrell and Jonesy were angry that Chris had left. Any woman that's over at Tyrell's place knows what's expected out of them. Their bodies are to be used by Tyrell any way that he wants. His view of women was very outdated. He believed that women should cook, clean, suck, fuck, and make babies. They were to do as men tell them to. Tyrell's size, demeanour, and reputation allowed him to treat women like this and get away with it. No woman was going to tell him "no." No one was going to tell him that he couldn't fuck their girlfriend or wife. If one of his buddies brought over an attractive girl, everyone knew that Tyrell would get his turn.


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