Her First Gang Bang Ch. 06

I previously wrote these stories over twenty years ago and after many years reading stories on Literotica I have decided to start posting my own. After these are posted I will start working on new ones. I did very little revising or editing to these stories. Mostly minor changes in grammar and punctuation, sentence structure, and readability. --------------

Her First Gang Bang 6 - Go Team!


"Touchdown!! East Tech scores again! The extra point makes it 35-3 over North Ivy U as the first half comes to a close"

The crowd in Sheila and Tom's living room started looking for bright spots, but things looked miserable for the home team.

"They can do it, Wilson can put points on the board in a hurry... The calls just haven't been going our way, that'll even out... A couple of those scores were just plain lucky!"

Melissa, Sheila's younger sister, was visiting for the weekend. Melissa had her new husband with her, and since they had both recently graduated from ET, they were eating this up.

"NO WAY these guys come back! This will be a huge blowout!" Jerry, Melissa's new husband, was very confident in his alma mater.

"You got that right!" chimed in Melissa, "ET is just getting warmed up."

"No way, this game ain't over... NIU is tough, they won't give up... Mark my words, they'll make a game of this."

Melissa laughed viciously, "It ain't gonna happen fella's. Guaranteed. Hell, I'll blow every guy in the room if ET loses."

Sheila's 17-year-old daughter gasped, gawking at her young aunt, causing Shelia to reach out and backhand Melissa across the arm. "Do you HAVE to talk like that?" She whispered angrily at her sister while hooking a thumb toward the teenager.

"I'll take that bet...Count me in...I'm there."

Melissa's husband Jerry, and Tom, Sheila's husband, kept quiet. However, the other five men were rather enthusiastic about the proposal.

"Too bad for you it will never happen, my guys just won't lose." Although Melissa sounded confident, she may have been a little uncomfortable about her outburst. Jerry nonchalantly sipped his beer. He felt the other men in the room may be just a little envious, since it was likely Jerry would be the one enjoying Melissa's attentions when they got alone in the bedroom.

Melissa was the younger version of her thirty something sister, minus the effects of 3 kids and a few extra years. Both women were naturally athletic looking with feminine proportions and the flawless skin of great genes. Sheila had married young and never regretted it, however, she was glad her little sister had completed college and got her career started before getting serious and settling down. She hoped Sara, her daughter, would follow in her footsteps. And that's why she was angry at Melissa about the blowjob comment. She had hoped her sister was going to serve as a better role model and slow down a little on the partying around Sara.

"OK guys, keep your pants on. Who wants more dip?" Playing the suburban housewife hostess, Sheila was grateful for a chance to change the subject.

After a pretty good half-time show, the teams lined up for the kickoff. East Tech was kicking off and the guys were pleading for a good runback. The kick went deep into the end zone, and instead of taking the common sense approach, the young freshman kick returner confused everyone and began a run up the field. Melissa let out a loud whoop when it looked like he was about to be tackled at the five but the mood quickly changed as the kid broke free and made a mad dash for the end zone. The cheer from the NIU fans in the room was deafening as the player scored a touchdown, and even more so with the two point conversion.

"Oh yea, the comeback has begun...this game ain't over yet...how 'bout that bet Melissa?...ye haw...GO TEAM!"

"Get over it fella's. One lucky touchdown is a long way from a win, and the bet still stands." This time Jerry gave a sidelong glance at his wife as she turned and walked into the kitchen, giving the men in the room a good view of her tight jeans as she went.

"Yeah, but is that OK with you husband?" someone asked, "I mean, he may have veto power on that bet." This drew another round of guffaws from the crowd as they glanced curiously in Jerry's direction to see just how far the horseplay would go.

Jerry opened his mouth to respond, but Melissa beat him to it. "I think I can make my own bets, husbands approval or not. Bottom line is I'm not gonna be paying off."

"I guess the lady has spoken." Jerry said. "And I just wanted to clarify the bet a little honey, you did say 'every guy in the room', right?"

Sara was wide eyed and all ears, not quite believing her good fortune at being present for such mature conversation.

About that time NIU pulled off a picture perfect onside kick and found themselves in prime field position. Melissa was still confident, but the NIU fans in the room were glad to have another reason to cheer for the home team.

Melissa wasn't quite as confident when less than two minutes later a second string fullback broke it up the middle for a 27 yard touchdown run. Extra point good, ET 35, NIU 18.

Melissa left the celebration and got herself another beer. Sara followed her into the kitchen, anxiously asking, "What are you going to do if ET loses the game! You aren't really going to blow those guys are you?"

"Sara, stop talking nonsense and watch your mouth! You know Melissa is just aggravating those men." Sheila was beginning to think it would serve Melissa right if she had to back up her talk some day. She just hoped it wouldn't be now.

The look on Melissa's face was priceless as the sound of cheering from the other room grew to deafening levels. It seems ET's luck was changing. A fumble on the kickoff led to another quick touchdown for the home team. ET 35, NIU 25. This was getting weird.

"What happened?" Melissa asked her husband, almost acting as if it were his fault the old alma mater was in the middle of a complete collapse.

"I think they fucked up." Was Jerry's straight-faced response.

"No shit!" Melissa barked back.

"Hey, watch the language, I don't want to hear that." Sheila was enjoying her sister's anxious moments. Even though the score was a lot closer this was about the time NIU usually self-destructed. And besides, there is no way Melissa would live up to this bargain.

Melissa was quickly cheered up as ET promptly marched down the field and soon found themselves with a first and goal. "Dream on boys, my team wouldn't let me down." Melissa's laughter was cut short as NIU intercepted a pass and in one of the most bizarre returns on record scored another touchdown as no less than six members of the defensive team carried the ball during the runback. The all sports network would later vote the runback the 'return of the century'.

"sonuvaBITCH," muttered Melissa, downing her beer and returning to the kitchen for another. Mercifully, the third quarter ended. Unfortunately, the fourth quarter started.

The sports reports would label this the most bizarre comeback / collapse in recent memory. A team that could do no wrong in the first half all but committed hare kari in the middle of the field during the second half. NIU went on to score four more touchdowns before the game ended and won going away.

All during the fourth quarter the men were taunting Melissa, and she graduated from beer to scotch.

Late in the fourth quarter, Melissa, Sheila, and Sara were in the kitchen. The sounds of the celebration coming from the living room were raucous and expectant. Neither Melissa nor her husband had done anything to make the group think she wasn't planning on fulfilling her end of the bargain.

"Sara, here's your dad's car keys, I need you to go to the store for me." Sheila didn't want Sara around at the end of the game.

"Mom! I want to watch," she quickly shrunk under the glare of her aunt and mother, ."..um...the game. I want to watch the game." They all knew what she meant.

"Sara," interjected Melissa, "the game is quite over."

Soon, Sheila was ushering Sara out the door with a long shopping list and instructions to make several stops before coming back. The men began to look around the room at one another, sneaking quick glances at Melissa as time ran down in the game.

Sheila then called upstairs to her son, informing him she would be dropping he and his friend at the mall for the afternoon. As she waited for the boys to come downstairs, she closed the blinds and locked the back door with the dead bolt. Passing Melissa, she handed her a fresh bottle of mouthwash.

"Very funny."

Tom was stunned at her actions. "Um...do you want me to ride with you?"

"Oh no, not necessary. I know the way, and besides, I'll be coming right back." And she was gone.

Melissa stood next to Jerry, looking at the bottle of mouthwash and wondering how she had got into this.

"Well," said Jerry, "Can I go first?"

"OK by me...I don't mind...sounds like a plan...Okey- dokey." The others just wanted to get the show on the road.

"Drop your pants lover, you got elected first." Melissa dropped to her knees and watched as her husband stood just long enough to lower his pants. She could tell he was about to burst from knowing what was about to happen. She was too.

As soon as he sat back in the chair Melissa leaned forward and took the head of his cock into her mouth. She had given him a blowjob on their first date and ever since then the feel of his cock in her mouth was nearly enough to send her over the edge. Jerry was warm in her mouth, leaking slippery cum as she bobbed her head in his lap. Her husband gently rubbed his hands through her hair, leaning back in the chair and closing his eyes as the other men in the room watched the proceedings with great interest.

Melissa knew just how to get Jerry ready to pop. Using her tongue, lips, and hands to get him beyond the point of self-control. Each time she dropped her mouth over his prick, each time she suckled on him or massaged his balls, he groaned and gasped and urged her on.

And so did the other six guys in the room.

Tom was entranced. He had been sneaking peeks at Melissa for years, watching her develop into a very attractive woman. Often fantasizing about what it would be like between her legs. Or better yet, having both of the sisters at once. I guess this would have to do. "I wonder if she'll take her clothes off?" He had unwittingly walked in on her as she dressed in the guest room a couple years ago, getting ready to go out. She had on red lace bikini panties and nothing else. Her face was covered with the towel she was using to dry her hair and she didn't see him walk in. He took a moment to take in her gorgeous breasts and that beautiful mound barely covered by her red panties. He was truly inspired later that night in bed with Sheila.

Edwin watched the young blonde wife's head bobbing in her husbands lap, he was harder than granite and about as volatile as nitro. He hadn't had a decent blowjob since he got married over six years ago and planned on making up for it right now. The woman had one fine ass, and bent over like she was really put it on display.

Melissa knew Jerry was about to let go and she wanted it as much as he did. Maybe more. She knew one thing for sure, she was gonna get more. She dropped her head down one more time, taking him all the way into her mouth, and he erupted. Even though she was prepared for the onslaught she couldn't manage to swallow fast enough, leaking cum down her chin. She held her husband in her mouth until his penis ceased its jumping and flexing. Not surprisingly, he managed to keep a pretty good hard on.

Leaning back, she made a pretty good show of swallowing her husbands cum and wiping the remnants from her chin. She always did like his taste. He just leaned back and looked at her with the most wide-open smile he had ever had. Melissa could only grin back before looking around the room, feeling her panties getting just a little damp.

"Well Tom, are you next?" It was all Tom could do to keep from jumping up and down for joy and slamming his cock into her mouth.

"I think I'd better wait, I'm still not sure what your sister thinks of all this."

Melissa just smiled at him.

That brought a round of jeers and charges of being 'pussy whipped' from his friends.

Edwin quickly spoke up, "I'm ready little lady, right over here." His friends proceeded to cheer him on as she got up and walked over to him. She stood for a moment and then knelt between his legs as he pushed his pants and underwear down. His veiny cock bobbed up and twitched, and Melissa suspected he might not last long, either.

Edwin let out a whine as his cock was fed into a very warm and friendly mouth. He was delirious as Melissa slowly moved her lips up and down his shaft, teasing the head with her tongue, stroking the shaft with a cocksucker's skill.

Jerry felt rather serene watching his wife as she gave another man a blowjob right in her sister's living room. Unknown to his wife this was not the first time he had watched her give someone a blowjob. Before they started dating he had met her at a club and then followed her and a guy friend out into the parking lot. She knelt between a couple of parked cars and sucked the guy's dick until he came in her mouth. She was incredible. A little on the slutty side, but what the hell.

Melissa started to feed on Edwin's cock. Stuffing her mouth full with the gasps and moans coming from the man spurring her on. Surprised at how big he felt in her mouth she felt his penis swell just a little more each time she sucked him deep into her mouth. A little embarrassed about the moisture in her panties Melissa began to rub her thighs together, massaging that tingle between her legs.

Walter couldn't believe his luck. He had been working so much lately he didn't have much time for a social life and had almost went into the office instead of coming over for the game. He hadn't been involved in something like this since college and this may be the first time the woman wasn't blind drunk. Intoxicated yes, but quite aware of what she was doing.

"Go Edwin, go!" cheered Walter as his friend got a handhold on the back of the woman's head and began thrusting upward into her mouth. "Those aren't handles, son, those are her ears!" The laughter rolled around the room.

"What a bunch of fucking comedians!" Thought Melissa. "This guy must not get much head, and I can tell him why." Edwin gained speed as he continued to thrust up into her mouth while at the same time shoving her head down into her lap. She was feeling rather confined and hoped she wouldn't choke when he came.

And then she tasted the streams of semen as Edwin began to cum. Bracing herself by pushing against the man's thighs she held on for his orgasm. This one wasn't nearly as yummy as her husband.

"OOOHHHHH, DAMN!" Edwin leaned back and thrust up stiffly into Melissa's mouth. Shoving her head onto his cock he launched a load of semen almost directly into her stomach.

Struggling to pull free, Melissa was amazed at the sheer volume of sperm pumped into her mouth. Eyes wide, she managed to break free from the cock skewered into her throat just in time to pull in enough air to cough up a shot of Edwin's semen back into his crotch. He responded by using his fist to pump a couple more strands of cum right into her face.

"Dammit Edwin! What the hell are you trying to do?!" Melissa wasn't too happy about the mess. Her face and her shirt caught more of the cum than she had intended. Of course, she didn't think he would be capable of pumping so much sperm into her mouth either.

"Oh man, that was great, you are great, that was great, oh man." Edwin was beginning to babble.

Melissa couldn't help but smile at the sincerity of the man's complements. "Edwin, I think you did most of the work. Can someone get me a towel?" Jerry tossed her a clean kitchen towel, and she used it to wipe her face dry.

Walter spoke up, "You don't need to do that, it won't bother me. Come right over here and I'll prove it."

Giving Walter a wary glance, Melissa stood up once again and moved to the next man in line. Looking down at her shirt, she contemplated taking it off. "For Christ sake," she thought, "here I am blowing a roomful of guys in front of my husband and brother in law and I'm worrying about someone seeing my tits!"

Jerry raised his eyebrows and watched as his wife pulled off her top and dropped it to the floor. She looked up at him, grinning a surprisingly timid smile and shyly opened the front clasp of her bra to bare her breasts. She then coyly dropped the garment to the floor. Without another word she was back on her knees and helping Walter pull his pants down far enough to free his penis. His rather large penis.

"Oh," she said. "Scare off many dates?"

"Just a few, but I got a long list of them coming back for more." He bragged.

"I'll just bet you do," mused Melissa. She gingerly leaned over and took the massive head into her mouth. Stretching her lips around the cock she used her tongue on the head and her hand on the shaft. She was grateful Walter was content to let her do the work, for now anyway.

Josh's eyes were glued to the topless woman kneeling in front of his well-endowed neighbor and taking more of his penis into her mouth with each bob of her head. He definitely enjoyed the site of her breasts as she exposed herself to the room. Not too small, not too big, but very round. Her pink nipples were thrust out, erect and stiff and begging to be sucked on.

Sheila raced back to her house, cruising through a couple stop signs in her haste to get back home. Gone just 25 minutes she had no idea what she would walk in on. It would very likely be a room full of joking men teasing Melissa about backing out on her bet. She made her way to the front door as coolly as she could manage, gingerly putting her key in the lock and pushing open the door. The room was rather quiet. Slowly, she peaked around the door.

"Are you decent?" She joked, somewhat half-heartedly.

Melissa jerked upright, covering herself, "No!" she nearly shouted.

Sheila was wide-eyed as she crept into the house, men were quickly pulling up their pants and her sister was half naked and kneeling on the floor.

"Don't mind me," she stuttered, "I just want to watch."

"For crying out loud, you scared the hell out of me." Melissa still held her shirt over her breasts.

Josh was breathing pretty hard as he watched Melissa go back to work on Walter. The guys were a little embarrassed at Sheila's interruption but quickly got back to the task at hand. Melissa promptly resumed her pace as Walter murmured his approval of her technique.

Sheila found her way around the room and to her husband on the couch. He was at the end of the couch and she delicately sat on his lap, wanting to feel his interest in the proceedings. The others on the couch politely made room for the couple.

Sheila breathlessly whispered in Tom's ear, "I can't believe what I'm seeing. This is incredible! Is he the first one? Have you had a turn? What about Jerry?"

Tom stifled a laugh. To him, it was more amazing his wife was going along with the whole thing. Hell, he knew Melissa was a little on the wild side. Jerry wasn't the first man she had brought to their house.

"I can't believe it either. Jerry was first, and then Edwin. You see number three. And no, I haven't had a turn." He hesitated before continuing, "I wasn't sure how you would feel about that."

Looking him in the eye, she smiled. "I've seen the way you look at her, and I don't mind some of the time. Besides, she did say every guy in the room and you were in the room." With that, she gently kissed her husband.

Melissa continued to squirm as her head rose and fell in Walter's lap, taking in a significant portion of his penis each time her mouth dropped down. Using her hand to stroke the hard on she felt its warmth in her palm, and her own warmth between her legs.












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