Incestual Thoughts: Temptations
I would like to thank 'younghrted2' for taking the time to review my story. All characters are fictional and 18 years or older. Please note that there are a couple lesbian sex acts in the story. If you like the story please take the time to score and comment on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I was happily driving to work like any other day, my phone suddenly rang. "Hi, Honey." "Hi," I heard my wife, Meadow, say. "The school just called me." "What did she do, now?" "I don't know, but they want to have a meeting with us." "When?" "Now." "Now? Fuck! Okay, I'll turn around and pick you up." Driving back home, I had to wonder where we went wrong with her. You see, this isn't the first time we received a call about our daughter, Stevie. Over the last couple of years, things had only gotten worse. I would have thought after turning eight...